The theme of the OA week this year is:
“Designing equitable foundations for open knowledge.”
This year’s theme reflects a scholarly system in transition. Governments, funders, universities, publishers, and scholars are increasingly adopting open policies and practices. As open becomes the default, all stakeholders must be intentional about designing these new, open systems to ensure that they are inclusive, equitable, and serve the needs of a diverse global community.
Challenges for the universities and universities of applied sciences in Vaasa:
- Osuva – University of Vaasa
- Theseus -> VAMK University of Applied Sciences
- Doria -> Åbo Akademi University
- Theseus -> Novia University of Applied Sciences
- DHanken
- Evaluating scholarly publications
The international ORCID identifier (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) will provide you with a permanent and unique digital identifier. It’s a series of numbers that will distinguish you from other researchers. It also enables your research outputs to be automatically linked to each other.
If you need help, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
- Publications Secretary Merja Kallio (Tritonia, K315)
- Head of Services, Education and Research Support Services Katri Rintamäki (Tritonia, K318)
or contact us online Our chat service is available whenever an information specialist is available.